寧靜的心跡(108) 從自我的束縛中解脫


古代有個年僅14歲的小沙彌,千里迢迢來到禪宗三祖面前求道:"大師,請教我解脫的法門!” 大師問:"誰拿繩子綁住你了?" 小沙彌楞了一下,回答:"沒有人拿繩子綁住我啊!" "既然沒人綁住你,那你還求甚麼解脫法門呢?"大師喝道。受這當頭棒喝,小沙彌頓悟了。經過一番修行,這個小沙彌繼承了三祖的衣缽,成為禪宗四祖。









The path to Tranquility (108) Liberation from Ego-Boundaries

We often feel constrained by various limitations, unable to unleash our potential and choose the right path in life. There is a story that reveals the truth behind this: the one who truly restricts, hinders, and buries us is always ourselves.

In ancient times, a 14-year-old novice traveled a long distance to seek enlightenment from the third patriarch of Zen Buddhism. He asked, "Master, please teach me the path to liberation!" The master asked, "Who has tied you up with ropes?" The young novice hesitated for a moment and replied, "No one has tied me up with ropes!" "Since no one has tied you up, why do you seek the path to liberation?" the master shouted. Startled by this direct admonishment, the young novice had a sudden realization. After a period of practice, he inherited the robes and bowl of the third patriarch and became the fourth patriarch of Zen Buddhism.

From this little story, we can see the rope that tied us and understand the way to untie it.

We are often limited by our own habits, making erroneous choices in life. Unlike inherent nature, habits are cultivated after our birth, forming part of our self and serving as sources of fear and anxiety.

These habits restrict the growth of consciousness, leading us to face the new world with preconceived notions and often making mistakes in our choices. But when we reflect on the reasons for our mistakes, we feel that the mistakes lie in the failure to strictly abide by those rules, so imposing even stricter restrictions on ourselves, and falling into a vicious cycle. When consciousness fails to grow, freedom diminishes.

Actually those limitations are created by us unconsciously, all because of holding on to some old ideas. If we can change this stupid practice, the ropes that bind our hands and feet will immediately untie.

Clutching to the past is a characteristic of the ego, because it itself is the accumulation of habits. Failure to stick to the habits will make the ego lack a sense of existence and feel uneasy, feeling that life has nothing to rely on. These feelings also reveal the illusory nature of the ego. It is illusory in itself, yet it traps us in a stubborn state, difficult to face the changeable world.

In fact, we are also constantly pursuing novelty, which is the essence of life, so the ego runs contrary to life and will become an obstacle to life. But as long as we understand the role of habits, without defining them as good or bad, then we have the opportunity to get rid of all habits, allowing consciousness to remain fresh and possessing a egoless and free inner world.

What we call ourselves is the ego that obscures consciousness, not the essence of our being. Finding the true self is a process of eliminating the ego. We peel back the layers of habit to finally see the consciousness that can protect life. Only this pure consciousness is true ourselves.

On August 24, 2023
