寧靜的心跡(110) 尋找生命的主幹









The path to Tranquility (110) Seeking the main trunk of life

World is constantly changing, and life are constantly flowing like a river, but there is indeed an underlying foundation that allows the turbulent waters to converge. Change is relative to eternity, if there is no absolutely constant element, change will lack a foundation. The changing and the unchanging must complement each other, otherwise nothing can be born.

Let's take a look at the hydrangea: Although we only see the flowers and dense leaves, the main trunk is indeed there, providing support. Without the main trunk, those flower clusters cannot form.

The occurrence and existence of all things have their own laws and order, not chaotic. The stars are shifting and the vicissitudes are vast, and it seems that everything is in constant change, but all things are built upon those eternal and unchanging elements and obeys by the laws of the universe. Therefore, in our stepping to tranquility, we must go through a path, which is to seek the main trunk of life and explore its purpose and order.

If we become obsessed with the flowers without recognizing the existence of the main trunk, we cannot comprehend the eternal value of life, leading us to sense the emptiness of existence and consider everything as futile. But if, because of the beauty seen in the flowers, we determine to search for that main trunk, we become seekers. When we discover that eternal value, the limited individual life merges into the entirety of life, injecting infinite meaning into it.

Everyone seems to have their own main trunk: friendship and family, fame and success, creation and expression, truth and wisdom, these can all be the goals we pursue and reflect our needs and desires. Peeling away the fog created by these individual goals, we can see the true main trunk of life.

We are born into the world, live, grow, age, and ultimately return to the embrace of nature. After us, there will be other lives repeating the cycle. These cycles of life revolve around a main trunk: life must be interconnected in order to break out of this unchanging cycle and step into true eternity.

In the realm of eternity, looking back at the past trajectory of life, we may clearly see the true goal of life: to live, to continue living, and to experience the changes of the world. So, we keep creating new worlds that are more conducive to life.

On August 26, 2023
