寧靜的心跡(113) 了解是改變的第一步








The path to Tranquility (113) Understanding is the first step to change

Don't rush to change ourselves, as lacking understanding will only make it more difficult for us to change. First, we need to know our own nature, then understand our habits, and finally, recognize our essence. Through understanding ourselves, we can discern our true selves, and begin to change.

For example, if we rush to get rid of negative emotions, we often encounter difficulties. Those emotions are still there, they are simply suppressed and not expressed, and this suppression can trigger other emotions. The old emotions quietly manifest themselves through newly generated emotions because they need to be released.

To get rid of negative emotions, we must understand their causes and the messages they convey. When we are not conscious enough, we are most prone to anxiety, which is the main cause of emotions. We know that understanding things helps increase awareness, so finding a way to reduce emotions.

Misunderstandings often lead to the generation of negative emotions. Therefore, the first step in reducing emotions is to understand the actual situation of things. Psychological issues are hidden in the dark corners of our hearts, but as long as we light up the heart lamp, we can feel their presence. And this heart lamp represents our gratitude and love for our own lives.

When we are grateful for our own life, we long to understand it more deeply, care for its needs and allow it to develop freely. With this consciousness, we lay the foundation for ourselves and embark on a journey to understand our true selves.

In this important life journey, we stop being self-centered and live with others as equals. Through evaluation and reflection on behaviors and results, we can change our psychological state and get rid of negative emotions.

On August 30, 2023
