寧靜的心跡(114) 意識才是真正的自己

在心境平靜的狀態下,我們能真正認識自己。雖然其他人可作為鏡子,但我們也必須依靠自己去發現,不僅要發現鏡子的存在,還要發現鏡子中的自己。了解自己的起源,以及未來的方向。了解自己當下所做的事情,為甚麼要去做。基於這些認知,我們可以開始尋找線索,去回答“我是誰”這個問題。 "我是誰?" 雖然這是一個基本的問題,但唯有抵達內心最深處,我們才能找到答案。我們不會將能夠行走的肉體視為自己,因為我們知道自己還有身份和形象,而且有時候我們甚至感到身體是一個負擔。因此,我們希望探索眼睛無法看到的那個"我"。 當我們從內心往外探索,會看到一層層不同的包裝,這些都是別人放上去的,也許是父母,也許是社會。它們可能是一些生活習慣,或者是慣性的思維方式,只是一組組的記憶。 但從外面剝開我們的層層包裝,我們內心真正想要表達的東西就會被看到。真正的自己存在於我們內心的深處。我們能夠感受、思考、決策和反思,能與世界深入互動,理解自己存在狀態,關鍵在於我們的意識。 外圍的包裝越多,意識就越難顯現。如果無法讓意識發揮作用,我們就只能透過那些包裝去面對世界。因此,成為真正的自己,就是去掉那些包裝,讓我們的意識顯現和成長,把我們的生命帶到更加安全的地方。 那些包裝是虛假的我,意識才是真正的我。虛假的我也被稱為"自我",它受限於家庭或社會,而真正的我則超越了個人、家庭以及社會的期望,永遠處於整體意識的發展之中,就像山溪的流水,本質上是海水的一部份。自我是短暫和受限的,而真正的我則延伸到整體意識的層面。 培養意識,意味著我們正在做真正的自己,活在當下。而那些執著於過去或擔心未來的人,只是在追求自我。跟隨意識,我們能走上自然之道,生命也受到自然的保護。 以上的話可能很難理解。唯有讓內心平靜,把自我放到一邊,我們才能理解其中的深意。在內心平靜的時候,我們才能感到真我的存在,並讓它主導我們的行動。 通過深度思考、情緒觀察,或專注當下的活動,我們可以逐漸培養意識,並確認真我的存在。這是一個持續的過程,需要耐心和自我探索。但唯有通過意識的培養,我們才能體驗到真正的寧靜和自由。


The path to Tranquility (114) Consciousness is the true self

In a state of inner peace, we can truly know ourselves. While others can serve as mirrors, we must also rely on ourselves to discover not only the presence of the mirror but also ourselves within the mirror. Understanding our origins and future directions. Understanding what we are currently doing and why. Based on these understandings, we can begin to search for clues to answer the question "Who am I?"

"Who am I?" Although this is a fundamental question, we can only find the answer by reaching the deepest part of our hearts. We do not consider the walking body as ourselves because we know that we have identity and image, and sometimes we even feel that the body is a burden. Therefore, we hope to explore the "me" that the eyes cannot see.

When we explore from within out, we will see layers of different packaging, these are all put on by others, perhaps parents, perhaps society. They may be some living habits, or habitual ways of thinking, just groups of memories.

But peeling back our layers of packaging from the outside, the things we really want to express in our hearts will be seen. The true self exists deep within us. We can feel, think, make decisions, and reflect, to interact deeply with the world, and to understand our own state of being, the key lies in our consciousness.

The more external packaging there is, the more difficult it is for consciousness to manifest.  If we cannot let consciousness take effect, we can only face the world through those packaging. Therefore, living as true our selves means removing those packaging, allowing our consciousness to manifest and grow, and bring our lives to a safer place.

Those packaging are the false self, and consciousness is the true self. The false self also known as the "ego," it is limited by family or society, while the true self transcends individual, family, and societal expectations, always in the development of collective consciousness, like the flowing water of a mountain stream, essentially a part of the sea. The ego is temporary and limited, while the true self extends to the level of overall consciousness.

Cultivating consciousness means that we are being our true selves, living in the present moment. Those who are attached to the past or worried about the future are only pursuing the ego. By following consciousness, we can embark on the path of nature, and life is protected by nature.

The above words may be difficult to understand. Only by calming the mind, putting the ego aside, can we understand the deep meaning within. In moments of inner peace, we can feel the presence of the true self and let it guide our actions.

Through deep thinking, observing emotions, or focusing on present activities, we can gradually cultivate consciousness, and confirm the existence of the true self. This is an ongoing process that requires patience and self-exploration. But only through the cultivation of consciousness can we experience true tranquility and freedom.

On August 31, 2023
